Saturday, August 21, 2010

saturday nights.

what do you do on a saturday night? well I will tell you...... facebook, my blog, texting, movies, homework, cleaning my room, drinking scheweppes lemonade, well these are just some of the things I've done tonight.
I was talking to Dad before, he was on the train in the Philippines, on his way to buy my sister her 16th birthday present... a pure gold ring! how lucky is she?? he also said he got all of our shoes and that they are all very cool :)
oh my goodness, it just clicked! I have had all 3 cervical cancer injections!! yay, no more pain, of a needle injecting into me, releasing liquids into my body, breaking my skin, right in front of my eyes! WOW!! Imagine.... some people have to have that done to them every week, what a painful life they must be going through?

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