Saturday, August 28, 2010


ok, so i love painting, this is my latest painting that i did, i did it on 28.8.10 oh wait that was yesterday, haha, well anyway i'm planning on entering this painting into the arts trail this year, last year i put 5 paintings into the arts trail, i sold 3 out of the 5 and got $50 for it(:
this painting represents Gods hands reaching out to someone in need, like a 'helpful hand' or 'Gods hand' as i like to call it, this was one of the first paintings to be sold plus i got told i was one of the most popular artist displaying slash selling my art at KYS, Kapiti Youth Support.
this painting here wasn't sold, but it's hanging up in our hallway with all my other paintings. this i s a painting of Lake Toupo.
this one also wan not sold, but again its still hanging up in the hallway.
this here is a painting of Kapiti Island, this painting was sold for $25 , i think i did pretty well for the first time anyone as EVER brought my art work :)
this painting was sold to an art teacher in college, i thought that was really cool, someone -an art teacher- wanted to buy my -a 13 year old girls- painting, that just lifted me up with a WHOLE LOT of courage! i am planning on doing the art trail again this year, it was such a great experience :) 

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