Saturday, August 28, 2010


ok, so i love painting, this is my latest painting that i did, i did it on 28.8.10 oh wait that was yesterday, haha, well anyway i'm planning on entering this painting into the arts trail this year, last year i put 5 paintings into the arts trail, i sold 3 out of the 5 and got $50 for it(:
this painting represents Gods hands reaching out to someone in need, like a 'helpful hand' or 'Gods hand' as i like to call it, this was one of the first paintings to be sold plus i got told i was one of the most popular artist displaying slash selling my art at KYS, Kapiti Youth Support.
this painting here wasn't sold, but it's hanging up in our hallway with all my other paintings. this i s a painting of Lake Toupo.
this one also wan not sold, but again its still hanging up in the hallway.
this here is a painting of Kapiti Island, this painting was sold for $25 , i think i did pretty well for the first time anyone as EVER brought my art work :)
this painting was sold to an art teacher in college, i thought that was really cool, someone -an art teacher- wanted to buy my -a 13 year old girls- painting, that just lifted me up with a WHOLE LOT of courage! i am planning on doing the art trail again this year, it was such a great experience :) 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday mornings.

ok, so its 7:40am on a school morning, if it was any other day I would be getting ready to go and catch the bus.....but it's not any other day its a thursday which means college starts at 9:45am what they call a late start. now you're probably thinking why the heck is she not asleep, the thing is I can't sleep in, I don't know why, but it's just something I can't do. It annoys me, every thursday morning i'm awake thinking that i could be sleeping but i'm not.
Am i the only one?

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Philippines.

oh, the Philippines, where do I start? the Philippines is an AMAZING place!! Dad got back yesterday! YAY!! he got me some pretty cool shoes :) 
I was born in the Philippines - i think thats why i love it so much :) - Mum said we might be going back for Christmas!! eeee can't wait!! 
Oh, how i love philippine beaches! And i think i may have been to this beach! the water so clear, but you have to pay to get into the beaches, but it's totally worth it, the heat is just....oh my, words cannot explain it! 

now..this shopping mall is in Baguio, as you can see. "SM" stand for "shoe mart", i LOVE this shopping mall along with the one in Pampanga and the biggest mall in Asia, which I am proud to say, I have been to :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

ponder this.

why say "glass half empty" when you can say "glass half full?"
the point of this saying is, most people think of the negative side of things instead of the positive side. to be honest I don't know why they do that but, it's just what they.
I have to say, I do that sometimes, I think its just a habit?


"who needs expensive clothes when you can go to the warehouse?"
-Lauren Vertigans?
This quote really made me think...... hard. I know clothes are something girls just LOVE to have, as do I, but do you really need all these EXPENSIVE clothes, jewelry, shoes? the answer to that question is a simple no, you don't need expensive stuff, the best thing to do is shop around and find CHEAPER things of the same sort of clothes, I mean if it's REALLY necessary buy, by all means buy it! but usually people just buy clothes for happiness, or beauty, or they are 'shopoholics' - like the movie - but what they do is they buy it wear it once or twice then never look/wear it again, what a wast!!!
the warehouse is a great place to buy clothes/shoes, they are very affordable when you are on a tight budget! ;)
another place to buy cheap clothes is second hand stores, now you may be thinking, eww, who wants to wear old ugly vintage clothes, but the thing is you can buy a top for 50c what a bargain, but also vintage clothes are also coming back in style.
oh just thought of another one why not make your own clothes - that's if you feel confident to stand up to the challenge - I know some people who make ALL their own clothes, how cool is that? I have made a few pairs of clothes myself, and they actually aren't half that bad! :o

saturday nights.

what do you do on a saturday night? well I will tell you...... facebook, my blog, texting, movies, homework, cleaning my room, drinking scheweppes lemonade, well these are just some of the things I've done tonight.
I was talking to Dad before, he was on the train in the Philippines, on his way to buy my sister her 16th birthday present... a pure gold ring! how lucky is she?? he also said he got all of our shoes and that they are all very cool :)
oh my goodness, it just clicked! I have had all 3 cervical cancer injections!! yay, no more pain, of a needle injecting into me, releasing liquids into my body, breaking my skin, right in front of my eyes! WOW!! Imagine.... some people have to have that done to them every week, what a painful life they must be going through?

eat. sleep. dance. repeat.

Is what it's like for some people. Dance for me isn't just something I do, my whole life revolves around my dance, when I study, when I eat, sleep, everything important like that. 

last weekend - 15th August - I went to lower hut for my dance competitions,we didn't win but had a heck of a good time :) but unfortunately we did have to make some sacrifices, like missing church and waking up at 7am, but in a way I guess it was all worth it. there are also other sacrifices like your feet luckily I don't use pointe shoes, I don't do ballet, if I did my feet would look something like this 
But I don't use these type of dance shoes, I use these,
or these,

But the thing is, you have all these things you use to dance when really, it doesn't matter if you have the coolest dance gear, or the most dance classes, for me I have second hand jazz shoes, 2 classes a week and I think I'm a pretty good dancer, were as some people may have the best dance shoes and dance every day of the week, but when will they have time to practice and get better?? plus how are you supposed to do homework slash study, have family time or even a social life, I mean to be honest I don't really have a social life - apart from college, but I don't think that really counts. 

Anyway, exam week is coming up, 3 more weeks of dance practice then exams. (I'd better get practicing! ahaha) Every single year I have been dancing I have gotten HONORS thats a really good mark - third highest - but this year I'm aiming for high honors or even distinction, Apparently pre elementary - grade 6 - is easy peasy to get honors, but I'm still going to work my hardest!

-Edgar Degas
"We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Alexandra Grace Thomson - Bieber :)

Oh, where do I start, this girl is truly AMAZING!! She is such a good slash gorgeous slash beautiful friend, I don't know if I would be able to live without her? She tries not to swear - which I love and admire, fml - forgot my lunch! ahaha
Ali/Alex, is trustworthy, understanding, and always there for me, just like I'm always understanding and there for her :) 
She is very gifted at talking! she talks non-stop, texts non-stop, even in ESS trying to keep your phone from being taken off you for texting!! 
Even tho we go through some tough times, we always work it out in the end :) She is also the BESTEST socca shawtie! <--- Although soccer in P.E is over we will always be socca shawties :)
"promise me you'll always remember: You'll always be braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh.
-A.A. Milne
iloveeyou Alex and always will :) xxx


love.... what a simple word but can mean A LOT!! I mean it's a 4 letter word. can it really mean that much?? 
some people just take the word for granted, or use love to early,maybe it's because they're not right with God, or going through a tough time and need someone to lean on? or maybe it's just they don't know what love really means? 
Definition of love: If you love someone, you have strong emotional feelings of affection for them. That's just one definition, there are a WHOLE lot more definitions. 
Personally for me, I'm going to wait for love, save it until I'm older..... A LOT older. What some people do is just love for the sake of loving, for the sake to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, when really they don't know whether they like that certain person or not, also, people get into the wrong relationships, then get hurt, or they're only in a relationship, because everyone says they should 'date' or 'go out', I don't think you should love too young or you might get hurt and never forgive them, and then you can never be 'just friends'.

Lauren Vertigans

I LOVE this girl. This girl is one of the most AMAZING people in my life! She is so cool:) We joke around, like the joke I just played on her ;) Lauren, is so BEAUTIFUL, talented, smart, funny, sweet, CRAZY, hypo, gorgeous girl, wait did I mention beautiful? Anyway, we have only known each other since Ambers party, (can't quite remember when that was) but we have become really close friends :)

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
-Anais Nin
Oh how I love this quote :) plus Lauren and always will :) xx


Yay, yay, yay! Daddy's coming home from his holiday to the Philippines on Monday! WOO! I'm so exited! I missed him HEAPS :) He's been gone for 2 WHOLE weeks ! At home there has only been 5 girls for the first week then on the second week Micah went to ski camp! So there was only 4 of us........ so quiet!! Dad has NEVER been to the Philippines without us, he said on skype that he was bored... well he was with family but they didn't do much together, apart from going to see the land that we brought and some other stuff I think? It was really weird not having him at home, sort of like a part of your heart has gone missing. We talked to him on skype slash yahoo most nights, they are 4 hours behind us, so we just talked when the time suited him. Madeleine, mum, Emilene, Micah and I all drew around our feet onto a piece of paper, so dad knew our feet sizes for when he went to buy us shoes, YES, you heard that right, my dad, buying me, my 3 sisters and my mum shoes, by himself! WOW, I'm sure he got a few weird looks tho, looking at children, girls shoes, we also chose some pictures of the shoes that we wanted and e took them with him.


Ok, so this is my first EVER blog post :/ So I'm going to make this post about something slash someone I love..... God!
God had been so good to me :) He has provided me with the BEST family and friends I could EVER ask for! They are all SO SO supportive to me and what I do :) I love them all to bits :)
I honestly have NO idea where I would be without them ??